5 ways to open a locked car door from the inside

A problem that can arise from a car without AutoFamily knowing is that the car keys are left inside. As a result, the car door becomes locked from the inside so that you inevitably have to break into it yourself. If this is the case, then AutoFamily must know information on how to open a locked car door from the inside.

5 Ways to Open a Locked Car Door

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There are five ways you can try to open a locked car door. These methods can be done with the help of several tools. Curious how? See the summary below, quoted from Auto2000.

  1. Using the Ruler

A ruler is one of the easiest tools to find at home. It turns out that it can also be used to open a locked car door. The ruler used here uses iron material because it is much stronger.

How to use it by slipping a ruler through the rubber on the windshield. This rubber is very easy to remove and put back on, so you don’t have to worry.

Now you can insert the ruler into the gap in the door glass with the rubber. Insert until deep enough so that you feel there is a part of the lock panel. Slide and feel the point of the lock panel by watching its movement in that section. Then press the door handle to find the rod which when pressed by the ruler will rise and fall like a spring. Press it while pulling your car door handle. Keep doing this method repeatedly until it works.

  1. Iron Stalk

The long metal rod can be used to push the lock button on an automatic car door. How to use it is almost the same as a ruler. You can insert this rod in the gap between the rubber door and try to feel it until you can press the automatic door lock button.

  1. Using a Tennis Ball

Yes, you can use a tennis ball to open a locked car door from the inside. The trick is to punch a hole in the tennis ball first using a screwdriver or other object. The dimensions of the hole do not need to be too big, but the most important thing is that it is deep enough.

If it has a hole, point it in front of the door lock and press it with all your strength using your hands. The air in the tennis ball is expected to press against the door opening. Keep doing it until finally the car door opens.

  1. Using the Rope

Prepare the shoelaces and then make a small tight knot. You can thread the rope through the small gap in the edge of the door. Keep sliding until you reach inside the car. Put the knot on the car key, then pull it gently. Do not pull it quickly because it can damage the lever.

  1. Using a Screwdriver

You could say this method is the same as gouging your own car door. Now you can open the space inside the car door lock, then insert the pry tool. Then push the car scribe so that the key can be pulled from the inside.

So that’s a variety of ways to open a locked car door from the inside. Hopefully you don’t have to make the mistake of closing the car door with the key left inside so you don’t have to try the methods above. (**)

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