Appier supports EF Shop to adopt AI in its digital transformation trilogy

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  • Phase 3: Advanced recommendation engines with AI

EF Shop onboarded five other recommendation scenarios and, using Appier’s advanced hybrid algorithms, was able to serve shoppers with personalized recommendations. The engines used deep learning to analyze text and images from each viewed product to predict what other similar and relevant products a user may be interested in. The engines also used machine learning to analyze and predict user behavior to recommend products that will likely be viewed or purchased.

The AI-powered engine continues to learn as a shopper continues to interact with content and products, allowing the experience to become more and more personalized as time goes on. This mechanism accounted for a significant increase from the revenue ratio in Phase 2.

Bacaan Lainnya

Going beyond engagement and recommendation, Appier is working with EF Shop now on new AI applications for better customer experience. (**)


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